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Pumpkin Gnocchi with fresh ricotta

October 26, 2010

So, this isn’t much of a recipe as it is a quick combination of awesome ingredients.  I just wanted to post it because everyone should enjoy this fall-themed decadence at least once.  It all starts with a trip to Murray’s Cheese, which is a pretty great place to start.  We picked up a pound of pumpkin gnocchi and an 8 oz. container of fresh rictotta:

The beginnings of a great dinner

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water, scooping out as the pasta floats.  As this pasta is fresh, it cooks very quickly, only needing a few minutes.  In a small pan, saute thinly sliced garlic in olive oil until they are crisp and toasty brown.  Add some minced sage or rosemary and turn off the heat.

Serve the pasta with a few dollops of fresh ricotta and the garlic mix on top.  This dish is quite filling and rich, so I recommend a small serving and perhaps a side salad to balance it out.  Yum!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Kate permalink
    October 27, 2010 3:39 pm

    yum! Nette – you should try making your own gnocci next time! I want to try this recipe:

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